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Japan Weather & Oceanographic
![High-resolution Nowcasts](images/en/btn_kkn_off.png) 250m Resolution Rainfall Intensity |
![Radar and Nowcasts of Precipitation](images/en/btn_rn_off.png) 1km Resolution Rainfall Intensity |
![Analysis and forecast of Precipitation](images/en/btn_ap_off.png) Rainfall intensities by radar (analysis) |
![Sea Alert](images/ja/btn_sa_off.png) 海上の気象に関する警報 |
![Sea Alert Fore](images/ja/btn_saf_off.png) 海上の気象に関する予報 |
![Tropical Cyclone](images/en/btn_tc_off.png) Analysis and Forecast of Tropical Cyclone |
![Weather Map](images/en/btn_wm_off.png) Pressure distribution , front ,typhoon chart |
![台風情報](images/en/btn_tc_off.png) Analysis and Forecast of Tropical Cyclone |
![Wave Altitude](images/en/btn_wa_off.png) Wave altitude (meter) |
![Wave Period](images/en/btn_wp_off.png) Wave period (second) |
![Wave Direction](images/en/btn_wd_off.png) Wave direction (16 compass points) |
![Wind Direction & Speed](images/en/btn_wds_off.png) Wind Direction (16 compass points)& Speed |
![地震情報](images/en/btn_wds_off.png) Wind Direction (16 compass points)& Speed |
![津波情報](images/en/btn_wds_off.png) Wind Direction (16 compass points)& Speed |
World Weather & Oceanographic
![Precipitation](images/en/btn_p_off.png) 6 Hours Precipitation |
![Pressure Chart](images/en/btn_pc_off.png) Sea-level pressure distribution chart |
![Cloud Cover](images/en/btn_cc_off.png) Fraction of the sky obscured by clouds |
![Wave Altitude](images/en/btn_wa_off.png) Wave Altitude (meter) |
![Wave Period](images/en/btn_wp_off.png) Wave Period (second) |
![Wave Direction](images/en/btn_wd_off.png) Wave Direction (16 compass points) |
![Wind Direction & Speed](images/en/btn_wds_off.png) Wind Direction (16 compass points)& Speed |